Sunday, 30 September 2012

Se7en Analysis

My write-up of notes on the David Fincher film Se7en (made in 1995)

The director of this film uses the sound to put the viewer on edge and to make them uncomfortable. An in-depth analysis of the sound could be that each extra bit of synth or scratching (aside from the main soundtrack) could be the directors idea of how each of the deadly sins sounds.
The different sounds give the viewer different feelings such as;
  • The electronic volts used near the start give a feeling of anger and fear this could be a representation of the sin Wrath
  • A sound similar to grinding gears can be heard that gives a sense of pain. This sound could be teeth grinding together this could then be attributed to Gluttony.
  • The sound of a creaking door is so overly cliche that to the horror/thriller genre that it'd be weird for it not to make an appearance in this film. The creaking sound could be linked into Lust as the creaking could also be of bed springs
  • Sloth could be linked to the dial-up sound preferring to let the phone ring on instead of going to answer it. This sound is also quite cliche to the horror genre mostly appearing when two people are having a conversation over the phone (normally the main character warning the other person about their impeding doom) then one of the two suddenly being murdered
  • Drums can be heard as a bass-line to the soundtrack using a rythem similar to a heart beat. The drums sound like army marching closer and closer. This military likeness could be linked to Pride
  • The constant electronic screams and scratching sounds might be what the director believes the sin Envy sounds like, preferring to show Envy's anguish and how insane it can drive a person
  • I don't believe that there is just one sound for Greed and that it is linked into all of them showing how engulfing Greed is or showing that in the directors point of view it is the most common sin committed in our modern lives
The director uses the imagery in a creative way to put the viewer on edge and covey feeling of disgust, distrust and overall fear. The imagery it's self look ruined on purpose through the use of filters and overlays. This tarnished and wrecked look puts people in an uncomfortable state. This technique is used in anime a lot to show power or strife.
These various images, techniques and effects are used to put people on edge;
  • For a start there are no shots of an actual persons face only black and white photos of victims
  • Shots of bible passages are a constant theme in the sequence showing the films link to biblical themes and it's wrath of god scenario
  • Needles and Thread make an appearance in the scene. Instantly anyone whose seen the human centipede is put on edge. They could also be linked to surgery and scarring for life
  • The only thing human that can be seen in the sequence are a persons hands with the fingers wrapped in tape. This is obviously the antagonist as he is trying to keep his identity unknown even to DNA standards
  • Newspaper clippings also show up a couple of times. Another cliche to thriller genre being used as ransom notes or death threats. In this case though the only word the is cut out of the newspaper is 'God'
  • Film clips or old camera films are seen being cut up. This could be an attempt to get rid of video evidence that shows the killer
  • Scenes of the antagonist writing. The writing it's self is weird and creepy as the writer prefers to write three lines to a segment. An overlay is used this gives the seeming normal task of writing a more sinister look
  • The credits themselves are creepy just because of how they are written. The text is a very sketchy like it has been scratched onto the page with an empty Biro. The effects used also help to make the writing look creepy, using overlays, cut-aways and  even simple font changes to put the viewer on edge       

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